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New Patients

Our casual and welcoming office is filled with families looking for relief, healing and tools to live a long, healthy life. Whether you are here for chiropractic care, acupuncture, or both, together with our team, we can help you and your family reach your goals.

Your First Visit

Welcome! We do our best to keep visits productive and wait times to a minimum. When you arrive, our front desk staff will greet you, answer any questions and help you complete paperwork. You may also download the new patient paperwork ahead of time and bring it to your first appointment. Here is what happens next:

  • Consultation. We’ll gather your health history and what brought you here.
  • Examination. Our thorough examinations help us understand your health.
  • Digital X-rays (if needed). In-office, digital X-rays are convenient and effortless.
  • Care Plan. If we can help, we’ll get you started with care, teaming up with any other doctors necessary to help you get well.

This visit can last anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour depending on your needs.

Schedule an Appointment


Regular Visits

Depending on your treatment plan, normal visits will include a combination of therapies, an adjustment and exercise instructions. Regular visits last around 15 minutes and get you back to your day.

Your Health Is Up to You

Whether you are seeking relief care or wellness care, you can choose how often you visit us. We will teach you about posture, proper office ergonomics and relevant information for your healthiest life.

To get started with care today, contact us and let us talk more about how our services can help.

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Chung & Waggoner Health Center, Inc | (405) 773-1113